de 6 habitaciones - 9999 anuncios

Página (29/500) 561 - 580 anuncios.

EUR 97.000

1062260 m2199 m2

, 260 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

Esta gran casa familiar de 6 dormitorios está situada en el pueblo de Jauja, en el río Genil. También cuenta con dos lagunas consideradas reserva natural de aves acuáticas. Se ofrecen visitas culturales y rutas de senderismo y Juaja tiene recientemente su propia playa fluvial. Se encuentra a 20 minutos en coche de las ciudades de Lucena y Puente Genil y a 1 hora de la espectacular ciudad de Córdoba. La casa construida de 260m2 tiene 6 amplios dormitorios, uno abajo, 3 en el primer piso y otros dos en el segundo piso con 2 baños, uno de ellos en suite. Dispone de una amplia cocina luminosa con un gran trastero con taller. Dos patios y jardín con limonero. En el primer piso también tiene una terraza que está conectada al baño/dormitorio privado desde donde tiene una vista de la montaña. Si busca una casa familiar grande donde encuentre descanso y hermosos paseos. Este es el lugar y el precio ideal.

EUR 395.000

1064221 m2247 m2

, 221 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

¡Invierte en Elegancia y Excelencia en Colmenar! Descubra la personificación del encanto y la sofisticación en esta acogedora casa adosada, una notable oportunidad de inversión en el corazón de Colmenar. Con 6 dormitorios y 4 baños, esta joya ofrece no sólo una residencia de confort excepcional sino también el potencial para un próspero negocio de Bed & Breakfast. Características clave para inversores Seis habitaciones: cada habitación irradia calidez y carácter, brindando a los huéspedes un refugio cómodo y acogedor. Cuatro baños: para garantizar comodidad y privacidad tanto para residentes como para invitados, los baños bien equipados son modernos y elegantes. Vistas fantásticas: capture los corazones de los huéspedes con vistas impresionantes que hacen que cada estadía sea inolvidable. Un telón de fondo pintoresco realza el encanto de esta propiedad de inversión. Junto al mejor restaurante: ubicado junto al mejor restaurante de la zona, sus futuros invitados saborearán las delicias culinarias a solo unos pasos de distancia. Un atractivo perfecto para los huéspedes de B&B que buscan una experiencia gastronómica memorable. Un B&B que funciona bien: con sus generosas habitaciones, acogedoras áreas comunes y su proximidad a las atracciones locales, esta casa es un Bed & Breakfast exitoso. Convierta su inversión en un lucrativo negocio hotelero. Ambiente acogedor: los interiores están cuidadosamente diseñados para crear un ambiente cálido y acogedor, asegurando que los huéspedes se sientan como en casa durante su estadía. Espacio privado al aire libre: los huéspedes pueden relajarse en la tranquilidad de las áreas privadas al aire libre, agregando una capa adicional de relajación a su experiencia. Ubicación conveniente: Situado en una ubicación privilegiada, su B&B atraerá a huéspedes que buscan un retiro tranquilo con fácil acceso a los servicios locales. La inversión perfecta: con la popularidad de Colmenar en aumento, aproveche la oportunidad de invertir en una propiedad que combine comodidad, vistas y el potencial de un negocio lucrativo. Libere el potencial: programe una visita hoy y explore las innumerables posibilidades que ofrece esta casa adosada. Abraza el encanto de Colmenar y deja tu huella en el mundo de la hostelería. ¡Invierte sabiamente, invierte en lo mejor de Colmenar!

EUR 405.000

1062269 m2237 m2

, 269 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

Esta céntrica propiedad de 6 dormitorios está situada en una zona comercial privilegiada en Baena, en la provincia de Córdoba de Andalucía, España. La propiedad consta de una parcela de 237m2, casa de 2 plantas de 200m2, garaje de 50m2, 3 patios y trastero. La entrada de la propiedad lo lleva a un vestíbulo de entrada de estilo andaluz con azulejos que se abre a un pasillo que conduce a la izquierda y 2 dormitorios dobles en la planta baja, 1 de los cuales se utiliza como sala de estar y a la derecha hay una sala de estar luminosa. comedor que se abre a una cocina totalmente equipada con mucho espacio de almacenamiento. Esto conduce al primer patio donde hay un trastero y más adelante al segundo patio donde hay otro trastero a la izquierda y un lavadero y baño al lado a la derecha, luego al tercer patio donde hay mucho espacio exterior que podría usarse de varias maneras, que termina con el acceso al gran garaje. Volviendo al interior de la propiedad, se puede ver en el lado derecho del pasillo un baño con ducha y desde el vestíbulo de entrada las escaleras de granito lo llevan al primer piso donde un pasillo conduce a 3 dormitorios a la izquierda y a la derecha. un baño con bañera y un dormitorio doble con vistas al patio. Uno de los dormitorios del lado izquierdo conduce a una terraza que ofrece vistas espectaculares de la ciudad. Esta propiedad ofrece la posibilidad de construir magníficos locales comerciales y pisos que podrían generar excelentes beneficios para su próximo propietario. Esta potencial propiedad de inversión está cerca del centro de salud, oficinas gubernamentales, instituciones educativas, supermercados, bares y restaurantes; además de estar situada a 62 km de la capital provincial por la carretera N-432, a 100 km de Granada ya 67 km de Jaén. Vale la pena visitar esta propiedad para apreciar su justo valor.

EUR 435.000

2063200 m2225 m2

, 200 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

Esta casa está situada en una urbanización popular y tranquila. Con tiendas y supermercados cercanos está a 5 minutos en coche del centro de Nerja.

Sus 200 m² incluyen un apartamento totalmente independiente con 3 dormitorios, 1 baño, cocina abierta, salón comedor y una fantástica terraza.

La casa cuenta con tres dormitorios, amplio salón-comedor con chimenea, distribuidor, cocina,, 2 baños, uno con ducha y otro con jacuzzi y una magnífica terraza con vistas a la piscina privada. También dispone de garaje privado y 2 trasteros.

¡Su orientación Norte y Sur le confieren una gran luminosidad!

EUR 360.000

2062153 m2

, 153 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

EUR 370.000

2064286 m2

, 286 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

Villa adosada de 6 dormitorios y piscina privada a sólo 150m de la playa La propiedad se divide en 4 plantas con entradas independientes varias terrazas y parcela vallada Planta baja consta de salón 2 habitaciones dobles cocina y baño con plato de ducha La primera planta ofrece un amplio salón con un bonito balcón una cocina muy bien reformada con isla otro baño con ducha y un dormitorio doble El segundo piso tiene otro balcón con persianas 2 habitaciones dobles y un baño El cuarto y último piso ofrece una hermosa terraza con pequeñas vistas al mar un dormitorio doble y un baño Toda la propiedad dispone de calefacción central unidades de aire acondicionado ventanas de doble acristalamiento y suelos de madera en la 1ª planta La parcela tiene bonitas zonas de estar una pequeña piscina ducha exterior barbacoa y trastero La ubicación de esta villa es perfecta para los amantes de la playa Está cerca de una bonita cafetería y de un pequeño supermercado El centro de la ciudad está a 3 km La propiedad se venderá parcialmente amueblada

EUR 2.850.000

2065500 m2400 m2

, 500 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

En uno de los barrios más prestigiosos de Barcelona, se encuentra Lujosa casa adosada situada en la primera línea del mar en Gava mar, una zona de gran prestigio, perfecto lugar para una residencia permanente. La proximidad a Barcelona Ciudad, al aeropuerto internacional El Prat, las escuelas británicas y la infraestructura comercial justifican el interés a esta parte de la Costa Garraf y atraen a muchos compradores. La casa está situada en una calle tranquila y verde es una casa esquinera con gran jardin privado. Superficie construida es más de 500 m2, incluyendo el sotano de 105 m2, equipado con una bodega, sala de fitness; garaje para 3-4 coches. Amplio salón de 120 m2 y el comedor con ventanas panorámicas y acceso a las terrazas. La cocina de 30 m2, decorada en los tonos marrones y beige. En la planta baja hay un aseo de invitados. Una amplia escalera conduce a las plantas de arriba. En la planta 1 tenemos 2 suites y 2 dormitorios, 1 cuarto de baño. En la planta superior de la casa - salón con chimenea y terraza de 24 m2 con jacuzzi y vistas a los casquillos de pinos y al mar. En la misma planta encontramos una suite de invitados y una oficina. Esta casa es de especial esplendor por los acabados de mármol, de madera oscura, por las columnas. En la decoración se usan mucho las cortinajes en tono burdeos, muebles antiguos y los cuadros, el chapado de oro. La casa ha sido renovada en 2024 incluyendo sustitución completa de la instalación eléctrica, instalación de calefacción por agua, sustitución completa del aire acondicionado, puerta del garaje y renovación del garaje. La parcela incluyendo las terrazas de la planta baja, tiene unos 400 m2. Hay una zona de barbacoa y un pabellón del jardín. La zona comunitaria bien cuidada con piscina.

EUR 620.000

2063282 m2

, 282 mt2, 6 habitaciones


22 May 2024

En el maravilloso municipio de Torredembarra ,se encuentra  una hermosa casa en venta, que te ofrece todas las comodidades que siempre has soñado. Con sus 6 habitaciones y sus generosos 313 metros construidos, es el lugar perfecto para que tú y tu familia puedan disfrutar de un hogar tranquilo y acogedor.Este encantador inmueble cuenta con una distribución inteligente y espacios amplios, que permiten aprovechar al máximo la luz natural que se filtra a través de sus grandes ventanales. Su diseño arquitectónico moderno y funcional hará que cada momento que pases en él sea una experiencia inigualable.Cuenta con todas las comodidades necesarias como el acceso a la vivienda desde el jardín con `porche y piscina,donde nos encontramos con un espacioso salón comedor con chimenea y abierto a la planta superior,habitación doble,baño completo,cocina equipada y con salida a terraza cubierta y barbacoa,desde esta planta se accede a la planta sótano.En la primera planta,estudio abierto a planta inferior,dos habitaciones dobles y una individual y baño completoBuhardilla,dos habitaciones que también se pueden utilizar como estudio o zona de trabajoPlanta sótano,garaje y sala polivalente,que se accede desde la calle,carpinteria de aluminio/doble cristal,acababados de alta calidad.Si eres amante de pasar ratos  al aire libre, esta casa en Torredembarra  es perfecta para ti. La cercanía del centro de la ciudad con todos los servicios,  te permitirán desplazarte fácilmente hacia cualquier destino que desees, sin necesidad de utilizar tu vehículo. Olvídate del estrés del tráfico y disfruta de la conveniencia de tenerlo todo a un paso de distanciaTorredembarra es conocida por sus playas de arena fina y aguas cristalinas, por lo que tendrás la oportunidad de disfrutar de largos paseos junto al mar y de vistas espectaculares. Además, su amplia oferta de restaurantes, tiendas y servicios hará que no te falte de nada.No pierdas la oportunidad de visitar esta maravillosa casa  . Ven a descubrir por ti mismo todas las ventajas que ofrece y déjate seducir por su encanto. ¡Te aseguramos que no te arrepentirás! 

EUR 6.500.000

2067868 m23035 m2

, 868 mt2, 6 habitaciones

El Madroñal

21 May 2024

EUR 6.000.000

2067868 m23035 m2

, 868 mt2, 6 habitaciones

El Madroñal

21 May 2024

EUR 9.350.000

1066712 m22350 m2

, 712 mt2, 6 habitaciones


21 May 2024

Villa - Chalet, Nueva Andalucía, Costa del Sol.
6 Dormitorios, 6 Baños, Construidos 712 m², Terraza 260 m², Jardin/Terreno 2350 m².

Posición : Cerca de Golf, Cerca de Tiendas, Cerca del Mar, Cerca de Ciudad, Cerca de Colegios.
Orientación : Este.
Estado : Excelente.
Piscina : Privada.
Climatización : Aire Acondicionado, A/A Caliente, A/A Frio.
Vistas : Jardín.
Caracteristicas : Terraza Cubierta, Armarios Empotrados, Terraza Privada, Gimnasio, Lavadero, Baño En-Suite, Jacuzzi, Doble acristalamiento, Fibra óptica.
Cocina : Equipada.
Jardin : Privado.
Seguridad : Alarma.
Servicios Públicos : Electricidad, Agua Potable.
Categoría : Casas de vacaciónes, Lujo, Contemporáneo.

EUR 477.500

2064340 m2120 m2

, 340 mt2, 6 habitaciones


21 May 2024

EUR 499.000

2064290 m2

, 290 mt2, 6 habitaciones


21 May 2024

Una impresionante villa de ladrillo caravista situada en las afueras de Villajoyosa a sólo cinco minutos del centro de este famoso antiguo pueblo pesquero y con las instalaciones que ofrece Restaurantes de todo tipo tiendas supermercados deportes acuáticos hay varios campos de golf a diez minutos en coche así como varios parques temáticos centros comerciales y unas fabulosas playas Las villas cuentan con 6 amplios dormitorios 3 baños completos 1 en suite amplio pasillo de entrada con techo de cristal que proporciona mucha luz natural amplia cocina independiente totalmente equipada salóncomedor de aproximadamente 50 m2 que conduce a una terraza cubierta una gran terraza superior que rodea la mitad de las villas con impresionantes vistas Escalera interior construida principalmente en mármol también con techo de cristal hay un sótano que cubre la superficie inferior de toda la villa También hay un garaje para tres coches de aproximadamente 150 m2 con una zona de cocina de verano y una gran chimenea incorporada La villa tiene piscina privada aseo exterior y ducha para la zona de la piscina dos pozosdepósitos de agua con capacidad de 65000 litros cada uno red agua y luz riego aire acondicionado frio y calor calefacción central de gas instalada en toda la vivienda materiales de excelente calidad Si está buscando una villa grande y elegante aquí la tiene buen estado vistas panorámicas así como vistas a la montaña y al mar zona tranquila y al mismo tiempo con fácil acceso a todo aparcamiento para varios coches la vista es esencial para apreciar esta villa reserva ya tu cita no te decepcionará

EUR 3.200.000

2365320 m2

Habitats Del Duque, Villa For Sale With Sea Views 3,200,000€, 320 mt2, 6 habitaciones

20 May 2024

Luxurious 6-Bedroom Villa in Habitats del Duque, Tenerife - For Sale

Priced at €3,200,000, this stunning villa offers an opulent living experience in the heart of Costa Adeje. Sprawled over a generous building size of 320 m2, this property is a statement of sophistication and comfort.

The villa boasts six spacious bedrooms, each adorned with fitted wardrobes, and five luxurious bathrooms. The property is spread over three levels, all accessible via a private lift, ensuring convenience and easy mobility.

The master suite is a retreat, featuring a large terrace that offers an idyllic space for relaxation and capturing mesmerizing views. Each floor is a testament to fine living, with features and fittings that exude elegance and class.

The property also benefits from an underground parking facility, spacious enough to accommodate three cars.

For those seeking the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor living, this villa does not disappoint. It comes with its own private swimming pool and beautifully maintained gardens, offering a tranquil setting for enjoying Tenerife's sunny days.

The villa is in excellent condition and ready for immediate occupancy. It has great potential for high-end rentals, making it a lucrative investment opportunity in addition to being a fantastic residential option. it is one of the very few large luxury villas you will find for sale in the South of Tenerife where you can walk to everything - high end shops, bars, restaurants and Playa del Duque Beach!

This villa is more than just a home - it's a lifestyle. For more information or to schedule a viewing, please get in touch.

We have more than 30 years' experience here in the South of Tenerife. Our agency is very well known and highly regarded with lots of positive feedback and reviews. If you are looking for a reliable, trustworthy and pro-active agent / agency to work with to buy or sell a property here in Tenerife, feel free to contact us. We speak English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.

For viewings, we have the keys, so get in touch by filling out the form below or give me a call on 0034 671 114 013 and I will make the arrangements for you to visit.

EUR 750.000


6 Bedrooms Villa - Lanzarote - For Sale, 6 habitaciones


20 May 2024

We are pleased to offer for sale this large property which consists of two studios and two one-bedroom apartments in the main house and a two-bedroom cottage situated within the same grounds. This fabulous finca in Tiagua has been lovingly restored by the owners of a Canarian family house with a wine Bodega in the garden. The property has been transformed into four contemporary apartments within the main building and a stylish separate cottage within the grounds whilst retaining all the charm and character of this original Canarian architecture. The property could be used as a bed and breakfast, a guest house, for group holidays etc. The main house has four self-contained stylish holiday apartments which all lead to a central glass-covered courtyard. Outside there are peaceful gardens and a sunbathing area next to the solar heated swimming pool and BBQ. The cosy fully restored two-bedroom detached cottage consists of an open-plan living room and a fully fitted bespoke kitchen. Master bedroom with en suite shower room plus second bedroom with twin beds. Three one-bed studios plus a two-bed holiday cottage make the property ideal for groups/families as in total it sleeps up to fourteen guests. Just 15km to Arrecife airport, located 10-minute drive to Famara Beach / La Santa surfing and sports centre. This is a great investment opportunity where you could either live in the cottage and run the business from on-site or holiday let the whole property. There is a renting management team in place if required. Viewing is essential to see the opportunity that this property has to offer. There is a further investment opportunity as it is possible to purchase the adjoining plot of land.

EUR 1.750.000

3064237 m2

6 Bed, 4 Bath Modern Villa For Sale In Callao Salvaje 1,750,000€, 237 mt2, 6 habitaciones

Callao Salvaje

20 May 2024

6 Bed, 4 Bath Modern, Exclusive Villa For Sale in Callao Salvaje 1,750,000€

A stunning, newly constructed luxury villa awaits you in Callao Salvaje. This exclusive design property, spanning 299 m2 of constructed area, features six spacious bedrooms, four plush bathrooms, and a heated swimming pool. It is available for sale through Andy Ward at Tenerife Estate Agents

Welcome to a space where every element has been designed with a keen eye for detail. The ground floor, spanning 70m2, comprises one bedroom with an attached bathroom, an American kitchen, and a living-dining room that opens up to a splendid terrace through large sliding doors.

As you ascend to the second floor, you will find 68m2 of space divided into three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Each room has direct access to a balcony, where you can soak in panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and the island of La Gomera.

The basement is not just a basement, but a hub of activity. It houses a 100m2 garage with parking for two cars, gym, games room, laundry room, and a machine room.

The villa is nestled within a 435 m2 plot and boasts a private pool, three porches, and well-manicured gardens. The property is air-conditioned, has top-quality finishes, high-end kitchen with integrated appliances, and bathrooms with integrated faucets. The villa also features pre-installation of internet and alarm, home automation, and video security cameras.

Located in the urban centre of Callao Salvaje, the villa is a stone's throw away from all amenities - supermarkets, pharmacies, beach, and urban transport. Plus, the centre of Adeje is just a few kilometres away.

With such high-end features and a fantastic location, this villa is not just a home, but a perfect investment opportunity. Don't miss out on this exclusive property which has just been built this year, 2023.

We have more than 30 years' experience here in the South of Tenerife. Our agency is very well known and highly regarded with lots of positive feedback and reviews. If you are looking for a reliable, trustworthy and pro-active agent / agency to work with to buy or sell a property here in Tenerife, feel free to contact us. We speak English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.

For viewings, we have the keys, so get in touch by filling out the form below or give me a call on 0034 671 114 013 and I will make the arrangements for you to visit.

EUR 1.300.000


6 Bedroom House For Sale: Alcaidesa, 6 habitaciones


20 May 2024

The villa was built independently for the present owners nearly 6 years ago and is superbly proportioned, with an internal floor area of 366.26 m2 (3942 square feet) plus generous terraces and balconies totalling 145.26 m2 (1563 square feet).

The accommodation includes two large living rooms, one with plasma TV, one currently used as a games room, large newly fitted kitchen with an excellent range of units and appliances, six bedrooms, two of which have en suite bathrooms, family bathroom plus shower room and two ground floor toilets.

The villa has air conditioning and heating throughout the interior, electric sun blinds to the first floor balcony, from where there are fine views, a sauna, utility room and store room. At the rear is a courtyard with orange trees, whilst the large ground level terrace is part half covered with a Morocco area.

There is a double garage (for one large and one small car) with electrically operated door and a particular feature is the large heated salt water swimming pool of 10 metres x 5 metres with electric cover.

Electric entrance gates lead to an ample car parking area and the delightful gardens include an automatic irrigation system to the lawn. The property has an excellent sized plot of 1200 m2 or 1435 square yards

An exceptional location

The property is situated a short distance from Sotogrande, with its marina, shops, bars and restaurants and is ideal for commuting to the important business centre of Gibraltar. It is just a few minutes from the commercial centre of Alcaidesa and is close to the sea with safe bathing and delightful sandy beaches.

Not for nothing is the Costa del Sol also known as the 'Costa del Golf' and the property is close to the famous golf courses of San Roque and Sotogrande, whilst the two courses at Alcaidesa include its famous links course. There are numerous other golf courses along the coast, which are readily accessible.

The villa is within easy reach of many other sporting, leisure, shopping and commercial facilities and is an easy drive to Puerto Duquesa marina, Estepona, San Pedro, Puerto Banus and Marbella. It is only some 15 minutes drive from Gibraltar International Airport and has fast motorway access from Malaga International Airport.

The property enjoys wonderful views of the sea and the coast and to Gibraltar and the Atlas Mountains, whilst a special feature is the striking backdrop of mountains along most of the Costa del Sol.

Note: These details are provided and intended as a general guide only and do not form a contract or any part of a contract. Intending buyers must make their own investigations and are advised to take appropriate independent legal advice.

Ref: 36696-36114-PS-KR-VS

EUR 4.600.000


6 Bedroom Villa For Sale: Finca Cortesin, Casares, 6 habitaciones


20 May 2024

Elegant 6-bedroom villa located in a small neighbourhood of luxury villa's set between the greens of the holes 9 and 10 of the championship golf course of Finca Cortesin. The villa comprises 5 bedrooms and is set in a private and secluded plot offering beautiful views of the golf course and access to the services of the five-star Finca Cortesin hotel.

About Finca Cortesin

Finca Cortesin has been elected as the best golf resort in Europe and is also a top 50 hotel in the world. Set within easy reach of the beach, the resort offers excellence and elegance on another level. Great care is taken of the lush green setting and mature gardens to provide a paradisiac ambience. A world class golf experience, a racquet club, a fully equipped gym, the oriental-influenced spa, the superb Beach Club or the selection of restaurants are all available to owners. The 24-hour security, the round-the-clock concierge desk and the on-site maintenance and gardening team as well as housekeeping, provide carefree ownership and allow the owners to fully enjoy their relaxing stay in Finca Cortesin.

Ref: 37319-ME1240

EUR 5.530.000


6 Bedroom Villa For Sale: Near Puerto Banus, 6 habitaciones

20 May 2024

The eight luxurious villas comprising this most elegant and exclusive project are set within a private gated community and offer an entirely new level of space, personal comfort, security and quality of life to its owners.

Designed by renowned Puerto Banus based architects, the villas occupy a superb position within the prestigious urbanisation of Atalaya de Rio Verde in Nueva Andalucia. Puerto Banus Marina, with its surrounding designer shops, bars and restaurants, is within easy walking distance whilst Marbella, with its endless attractions, is within easy reach.

The eight villas, all individual and slightly different, form a private gated community and are served by a carefully designed, slightly winding inner road. Their contemporary styling preserves all the attributes of classical Mediterranean mansions, with their correct proportions, galleries and patios.

This quite exceptional urbanisation enjoys 24 hour security, a massive green zone, a walking area and magnificent views. The owners will enjoy community membership and its conditions which will protect the wellbeing of them all.

Each villa has its own unique design and distinctive features, whilst all enjoy their own beautiful interior patio, veranda, huge covered and uncovered terraces, gardens, a chill-out area and a distinctively shaped pool. Panoramic glazing provides plenty of natural light, whilst carefully selected lighting at night ensures that the scenery is even more spectacular. All the bedrooms have stunning views.

The villas ensure that all family members have options for comfortable living within one big house, thanks to their various chill-out and dining areas, whilst the elevator, which takes you from the garage to the top level bedroom or terrace, is a great feature. The landscaped gardens, each with a picturesque pergola, will be delightful features.

In the basement, there is an open area of 400 m2 (4305 square feet), which the owners can design to suit their own requirements and lifestyle. Items such as a wine cellar, spa, gym, home cinema or bowling alley will be great additions! There are six private parking spaces for each exquisite property.

As an owner of one of these amazing villas, you can enjoy the benefits of the very latest technology in your new home. The Intelligent Home System is an excellent means of protecting your property and enjoying maximum comfort while living in it, as almost all the appliances can be controlled from your smartphone or tablet. There is also a dumb waiter lift included, as well as the elevator.

The villas are built to the highest standards with exceptional materials, personalised high quality finishing, a top of the range engineering system and a wide range of design options to fit the lifestyle of each owner. To allow for chilly Winters, which even the Costa del Sol can experience, there is also underfloor heating throughout with independent controls.

Now for some quite amazing statistics! All the floor plans are different, so the floor areas are too. The enclosed areas vary from 1026m2 to 1095m2 (11,044 to 11,786 sq ft). The combined covered and open terraces are from 442m2 to 547m2 (4757 to 5888 sq ft) and the eight different shaped pools have sizes of 64m2 to 92m2 (688.9 to 990 sq ft). Detailed floor plans of each villa are available on request.

This exclusive project has easy access from the A-7 coastal motorway. It is ideally located close to many of the Costa del Sol's most prestigious golf courses, horse riding schools, tennis courts and paddle courts. Many other recreational amenities and commercial facilities are readily accessible, as are some of the best beaches of the area, which enjoys a great climate throughout the year, with mild warm weather and refreshing sea breezes.

Finally, there is all that Puerto Banus offers for you to enjoy, with its marina full of the most fabulous boats and its amazing array of designer shops, restaurants and bars. Marbella is regarded as a gourmet paradise and offers many Michelin Star restaurants and the widest imaginable selection of bars, gastro pubs and restaurants specialising in menus from all parts of the world, many being located in its charming old squares.

Building Licences for this outstanding development are in place and completion of the project is projected for the second quarter of 2021. It is no surprise that this is probably the most exclusive new development available in Spain today. Prices of the eight luxurious villas are from 5.530€ million to 6.025€ million. An illustrated brochure is available from the selling agents Investabroad Properties on request.


No description or information about the development or its facilities, the units, their plans, specifications or values, may be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. The developer reserves the right to amend the plans, specifications, investment offers and purchase prices as necessary and without notice. Nothing on this website constitutes or forms a contract or any part of a contract.

Any computer generated images which, together with photographs, illustrate this feature are intended to provide an impression of the development and its properties and may not be a true representation of the finished project, its facilities or the designs of the properties. Their accuracy is not guaranteed and they have no contractual value. Internal images may relate to a different property type in the development.

Intending buyers must make their own investigations and are advised to take appropriate independent legal advice. Enquiries about this property must be made only to Investabroad Properties.

Ref: 36696-36114-VG-LPB

EUR 3.850.000


6 Bedroom Detached House For Sale: Barcelona, Barcelona, Cl Torrent De Les Roses, 6 habitaciones

20 May 2024

Majestic property in the exclusive residential neighborhood of Pedralbes of 685 m2 on a plot of more than 1.000 m2. With an extraordinary location and surrounded by the most prestigious international schools. This house presents a perfect state of preservation and is distributed over four floors and a magnificent garden with a private pool, in the tranquility that breathes at the foot of Collserola and naturally delights with panoramic views over the city.

On the first floor, we are greeted by a spectacular entrance with high ceilings and large windows that allow the entry of light, thanks to its excellent orientation. We have access through the entrance hall to a spacious main living room, a living room with a fireplace, the dining room, and the kitchen with an office. This floor is surrounded by the garden, and also leads to a cozy summer dining room outside, conveniently sheltered by its porch and equipped with a barbecue. Completing this floor, a courtesy toilet and the elevator that connects all floors.
On the first floor, an elegant hallway presents four double bedrooms in suite with bathrooms, two of which have access to a terrace but are all exterior and bright.

On the second floor is the master suite, with a dressing room, bathroom, fireplace, and gym area. This floor has an amazing terrace with three windows (facing east, south and west), from which we can enjoy an unparalleled view of Barcelona with the sea as a backdrop.
In the basement, we find the service bedroom, a full bathroom, the water and ironing area, a wine cellar, a storage room, and a garage for five cars.

Ref: 36800-30949v