de 7 habitaciones - 5286 anuncios

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EUR 8.900.000


, 7 habitaciones


01 Jul 2024

EUR 1.352.000

2076507 m24532 m2

, 507 mt2, 7 habitaciones


30 Jun 2024

Esta excepcional y espaciosa villa en forma de U se encuentra en la pintoresca zona de Iznate y ofrece dos unidades de vivienda independientes, cada una totalmente equipada. La villa se extiende por dos pisos y cuenta con un total de siete dormitorios y seis baños. Cada unidad incluye una cocina funcional y una amplia sala de estar.

La propiedad cuenta con comodidades de lujo, incluyendo aire acondicionado, calefacción central y una acogedora chimenea. Un idílico patio en el centro de la villa invita a la relajación y agrega un encanto especial a la propiedad.

El sótano alberga una generosa área con un garaje subterráneo, un trastero y espacios adicionales, incluyendo un dormitorio extra, una sala de estar y un baño.

El área exterior no deja nada que desear: una gran piscina y un jacuzzi proporcionan una refrescante relajación, mientras que el jardín bien cuidado y un garaje adicional para un coche ofrecen mayor comodidad.

Las vistas panorámicas del mar, las montañas circundantes y el vasto paisaje son simplemente impresionantes y prometen horas de descanso en un entorno tranquilo. A pesar del aislamiento tranquilo, la villa es fácilmente accesible y ofrece una excelente conectividad.

Esta villa es un verdadero sueño para aquellos que desean disfrutar de la vida en un entorno lujoso en medio de la naturaleza.

Estamos encantados de poder presentar esta propiedad a usted pronto, ya sea personalmente o a través de la visión virtual. Porque este mundo, es único - como nuestra Axarquía. En Andalucía. En la Costa del Sol. Aquí, en el lado soleado de la vida...

EUR 310.000

6374300 m2

CC9-9 Venta casa 2PLANTAS+SOTANO, 300 mt2, 7 habitaciones

La Sierrilla Cáceres

29 Jun 2024

CC9-9 GRAN OPORTUNIDAD. Venta de Casa en Cáceres, zona La Sierrilla. La vivienda consta de 300m2 construidos. Se distribuye en 7 dormitorios, 4 baños, 2 cocinas y 2 salones. Plaza de garaje. 2 porches, patio y piscina del Club Social. A/A. Calefacción gas. Preciosas vistas. Hilo musical. Con club social. Posibilidad de alquiler con opción a compra. El sótano cuenta con un salón con chimenea, cocina, despensa, dormitorio, baño y sala de planchado. Armario empotrado. La primera planta se distribuye en 5 dormitorios, 2 baños, 8 armarios empotrados. Más informaciones en

EUR 4.750.000

2078692 m21903 m2

, 692 mt2, 7 habitaciones

San Bartolomé De Tirajana

29 Jun 2024

Abraham Redondo de Best House tiene el placer de presentarte una propiedad única y muy especial, pocas veces se ve algo así. Esta maravillosa villa de lujo de 692 metros cuadrados en una parcela de 1903 metros cuadrados. La propiedad está situada en la parte trasera del Campo de Golf de Maspalomas, una zona sin ruidos y a poca distancia caminando de la playa del faro de Maspalomas. La vivienda habla por sí sola, rodeada de fuentes, de cocoteros, plantas tropicales, Buganvillas, etc. También dispone de zona de Barbacoa con mesa grill y una maravillosa piscina y jacuzzi con cascada, por cierto la piscina se puede climatizar ya que tiene instaladas placas solares. En su interior tiene: 7 Dormitorios (2 tipo suite con vestidor) 8 Baños 2 Salones llenos de arquitectura y arte de diferentes siglos 1 Cocina completa con solana 1 Maravilloso Hall de entrada 1 Trastero o almacén de más de 100m2 1 Lavandería La propiedad se mantiene siempre fresca en Verano y cálida en Invierno por sus amplias paredes de Piedra y suelos de mármol. La arquitectura de la casa es una mezcla fusionada del Románico del Norte de España y el Barroco de Vegueta, los pilastres son originales del siglo XVI, las columnas salomónicas son réplica de la iglesia de San Francisco de Borja, si miramos la techo del salón principal veras una replica a tamaño real del fresco "La Virgen Maria" de Boticelli. Toda la villa está llena de piezas de arte y muebles de diferentes vertientes artísticas. La Villa se vende amueblada.

EUR 238.000

1072230 m2

, 230 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Casa de 232 m2 en Arucas, muy céntrica a 10 metros de la conocida como "Catedral de Arucas". La vivienda de tres plantas hace esquina y cuenta con entradas desde dos calles. Es una casa típica de cantera de Arucas, piedra de cantera local, duradera y que dota a las casas un aspecto rústico y elegante. Con un diseño colonial que se caracterizan por estancias amplias, ventanas y puertas grandes de madera oscura, patio central con un estilo arquitectónico de estética tradicional. La planta sótano cuenta con un local con acceso a calle. La planta baja dispone de salón, cocina, 3 dormitorios y baño. La planta alta cuenta con 4 dormitorio. En la azotea encontramos un cuarto de lavado. La vivienda cuenta con un patio interior que le aporta mucha luz. La vista despejada desde la azotea permite disfrutar de un pintoresco paisaje panorámico de la Iglesia de Arucas, lo que la convierte en un punto ideal para admirar el paisaje. La casa también se puede utilizar como oficina comercial, villa, restaurante o tienda, ya que la ubicación y el paisaje son buenos. Necesita reforma integral.

EUR 460.000

2073440 m2400 m2

, 440 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Best House pone a la venta una impresionante casa con 400m² de parcela y 440m² de vivienda distribuida en 4 plantas. Muy buenas calidades, de segunda mano reformada y en perfecto estado. Zona muy tranquila. Buenas vistas. La primera planta dispone de amplio salón, cocina moderna totalmente amueblada, sala de estar y aseo. La segunda plata tiene 3 dormitorios con armarios empotrados, el principal con vestidor y baño, y otro cuarto de baño. La tercera planta dispone de 2 habitaciones estudio/dormitorio y cuarto de baño. La casa tiene 3 cuartos de baños completos y 1 aseo, distribuidos por todas las plantas. En el semisótano encontramos un salón comedor con acceso directo a la piscina. Tiene garaje para 3 coches, trastero y taller. Instalación de suministro eléctrico por placas solares que casi da independencia en electricidad. Zona ajardinada con piscina, reformada en 2023. La casa dispone de terrazas y balcón. Calefacción central de gasoil, aire acondicionado y cierres climalit. La comunidad son 50€ Cuenta con zonas comunes con piscina comunitaria, pista de tenis, pádel, futbol, baloncesto, gimnasio, bar-restaurante y zonas ajardinadas. No dude en llamar para visitarla. Si necesita ayuda con la financiación, le podemos ayudar a conseguirla. Con Best Credit compararemos entre varias entidades bancarias para obtener las mejores condiciones.

EUR 8.350.000

20781014 m210100 m2

, 1014 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Esta elegante gran villa de 7 dormitorios en la zona de Marbella se pone a la venta en el prestigioso barrio de El Herrojo Alto, dentro del exclusivo La Quinta Golf Resort, Benahavís. Con su impecable diseño, incomparables comodidades y asombrosas vistas, esta extraordinaria propiedad te invita a experimentar un estilo de vida de pura indulgencia. Enclavada en un ecosistema único de la Costa del Sol, la hermosa urbanización cerrada de villas de lujo está protegida por seguridad 24 h. El Herrojo Alto es ideal para quien busque paz y privacidad, pero está a un corto trayecto en coche del fabuloso Puerto Banús, las playas de Bandera Azul, varios campos de golf, colegios internacionales y todas las comodidades de Nueva Andalucía, San Pedro y Marbella Centro. La prestigiosa Quinta da acceso a una serie de instalaciones de ocio, como el campo de golf de 27 hoyos diseñado por el legendario tricampeón mundial Manuel Piñero, la Academia de Golf, la Casa Club con un restaurante gourmet y una terraza panorámica, bares y cafeterías, SPA, gimnasio, etc. Junto al campo de golf, el hotel de 5* Westin La Quinta Golf Resort amp; Spa, con sus lujosas instalaciones, se encuentra entre los 5 mejores de la región.Rodeada de naturaleza y propiedades de alto standing de La Quinta, la residencia renovada y cuidadosamente diseñada de 1.014 m² con terrazas de 211 m² se asienta sobre una parcela de 10.100 m². Se trata de una auténtica obra maestra arquitectónica de estilo clásico moderno… ¡también conocido como atemporal! Establece un nuevo estándar de vida refinada, combinando sin esfuerzo modernidad y tradición. En cuanto entras, te cautiva la grandeza y elegancia que se despliega ante ti. La atención al detalle es evidente en cada rincón, desde los acabados meticulosamente elaborados hasta los elementos de diseño cuidadosamente seleccionados. Los amplios ventanales y las extensas terrazas de la propiedad orientada al sur ofrecen vistas panorámicas del azul del Mediterráneo y de las majestuosas montañas que enmarcan el paisaje. 2 amplios salones con mobiliario de felpa y magníficas obras de arte invitan a tu familia e invitados a relajarse con una comodidad y un estilo incomparables. La exquisita casa cuenta con 7 suites dormitorio lujosamente decoradas, cada una con su propio cuarto de baño, armarios empotrados o vestidor. 8 lujosos cuartos de baño proporcionan la máxima comodidad y funcionalidad a los exigentes residentes de esta villa. Una impresionante cocina contemporánea está equipada con electrodomésticos de primera calidad, una isla y una zona de desayuno, y conectada con una terraza con barbacoa. Hay un trastero convenientemente situado para satisfacer tus necesidades organizativas.Disfruta de una experiencia cinematográfica sin igual en la sala de cine de última generación, donde podrás disfrutar de los últimos éxitos de taquilla o de tus clásicos favoritos con absoluta intimidad y comodidad. Mantén tu rutina de fitness en un gimnasio totalmente equipado que disfruta de vistas panorámicas de las montañas circundantes. Relájate mientras te sumerges en el calor de tu propia sauna. La zona exterior de la villa es un oasis de relajación y entretenimiento, equipada con cocina exterior y comedor al aire libre. Sumérgete en la tentadora piscina o toma el sol mediterráneo en las lujosas tumbonas. Los jardines subtropicales, meticulosamente cuidados, proporcionan un apacible refugio para saborear los aromas de las flores y disfrutar de los relajantes sonidos de la naturaleza.Esta extraordinaria propiedad tiene todo lo necesario para una vida de lo más cómoda, como chimenea, aire acondicionado, sistema de alarma, puertas de cristal, doble acristalamiento, etc. Es más que una residencia renovada en un lugar prestigioso. Ofreciendo una armoniosa mezcla de opulencia, sofisticación y un entorno natural impresionante, esta casa es un testimonio de la cúspide de la vida de lujo. ¡Conviértela en tu refugio privado!

EUR 1.200.000

2073174 m293 m2

, 174 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Amplia casa de pueblo con patio interior y con varias habitaciones distribuidas entre la dos plantas principales. En la planta alta hay una gran sala diáfana tipo Loft o estudio de trabajo con también hay un cuarto de baño y desde donde se accede a 2 soleadas terrazas solárium con unas bonitas vistas al casco antiguo. Con una excelente localización en una pintoresca calle peatonal junto a la calle Ancha. La casa tiene la posibilidad de ser reconvertida en un pequeño boutique hotel .

EUR 5.600.000

20792235 m23662 m2

, 2235 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Lista para entrar!!! Y para los mas contemporaneos tiene proyecto de modernizacion!!! . . Impresionante mansión en la Cala de Mijas con espectaculares vistas al mar y al campo de golf Calanova Golf. . . Con 3662 mt2 de parcela, consta de 7 habitaciones muy amplias todas en suite y con vestidor y 10 baños. Despacho, sala de cine, salon, 2 cocinas, comedor, bodega espectacular y sala de juegos impresionante. Amplísimas terrazas y jardín perfectamente cuidado. . . La piscina es tipo Zurich (desbordante) y con un mirador para disfrutar de las impresionantes vistas. . . Consta de planta garaje, planta -1, planta 0 y planta 1 a las que se puede llegar por el ascensor. Toda la casa tiene suelo radiante, aire acondicionado frio y calor, y radiadores. Las ventanas asi como las persianas son de seguridad. Aislamiento termico y acustico especial. Tiene placas solares y caldera central. Suelo de marmol, domótica, video-vigilancia, alarma, gimnasio, jacuzzi y casa para el personal de Servicio de la vivienda.. . Actualmente acaba de ser pintada de blanco. Todo lo que se pueda imaginar que puede tener una gran vivienda, esta la tiene. . . Para mas información, mas fotos, o documentación, por favor , ponerse en contacto.. . . .

EUR 99.000

1072130 m294 m2

, 130 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Esta casa adosada de 7 dormitorios y 2 baños está situada en el tradicional pueblo español de Fuente-Tójar, cerca de la popular ciudad de Priego de Córdoba en Andalucía, España. Ubicada en una calle tranquila con estacionamiento en la calle frente a la propiedad, se ingresa a la casa desde un pavimento elevado seguro hacia una amplia y luminosa área de recepción con asientos y un comedor formal. Fuera del área de recepción hay un cuarto de baño con ducha en la planta baja y más adelante. a la derecha está la cocina comedor equipada con acceso al patio privado. Unas escaleras desde el patio de la planta baja conducen primero a una terraza solárium, junto a la cual hay una habitación medio embaldosada, utilizada actualmente para almacenamiento, un dormitorio doble, un aseo independiente y un lavadero. Los escalones continúan hasta otra terraza desde donde hay 2 habitaciones más. De vuelta en el área de recepción, una escalera de calidad lo lleva al rellano del primer piso, desde donde tiene 2 luminosas habitaciones dobles, un baño completamente alicatado y una gran habitación doble con acceso a un balcón estilo Julieta.

EUR 2.500.000

307632767 m2

Las Chapas, Detached Villa In, 32767 mt2, 7 habitaciones

29 Jun 2024

MODERN DESiGN ViLLA iN THE PRESTiGiOUS HACiENDA LAS CHAPAS WiTH SOUTH WEST ORiENTATiON This is a new listing on the market, a grand design villa with open views to the mountains and sea views from the top floor. Although it was built in 2002 it has avantgarde architecture design features which makes this a very unique and stylish property. As you enter the property you will find and ample off-street parking for 8 cars, as well as covered garage for 2 cars and mature gardens surrounding the parking area. Waling into the property through its hugh entrance door, you encounter a contemporary stair case with marble steps and a glass balustrade which leads you to the ample bedroom areas on the top floor, all with direct access to private covered terraces enjoying fantastic sea and mountain views. Down in the ground floor area, you will find a separate large dinning room area with glass separation from the formal lounge with vaulted ceilings, floor to ceiling windows and a slow burning fire place. Coming out of the lounge area leads you to an outdoor BBQ area and nice flat plot with a 6 x 12 heated pool and electric awnings. There are private security cameras throughout the whole property and censored perimetral alarm connected to the 24 hour mobile security from one of the most exclusive areas of Marbella East - Hacienda Las Chapas. There is also the possibility to purchase with the villa an adjoining plot of 2300 m2 to build another villa or guest house.


Close To Golf

Close To Shops

Close To Sea

Close To Schools



South West







Climate Control

Air Conditioning

Hot A/C

Cold A/C








Covered Terrace

Fitted Wardrobes

Private Terrace

Satellite TV


Guest Apartment

Storage Room

Utility Room

Ensuite Bathroom


Double Glazing

Staff Accommodation

Fiber Optic


Part Furnished


Fully Fitted




Entry Phone

Alarm System

24 Hour Security




More Than One






Holiday Homes



Community Fee: €0 / monthly

Waste Disposal Fee: €0 / annually

Tax over Real Estate (iBi): €0 / annually

EUR 6.900.000

207832767 m2

Marbella, New Development In, 32767 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

New Development: Prices from €6,900,000 to €6,900,000. [Bedrooms: 7] [Bathrooms: 8] [Built size: 3106m2]. BUiLDiNG LiCENCE ON PLACE ! TURNKEY PROJECT ! This project is a unique luxury south facing villas, which has an unbeatable location on the mountain peak of the most prestigious area of the Golden Mile, Marbella. The development are projected by modern architecture bureau Villarroel Torrico with the idea to enjoy the views of the Mediterranean Sea and Sierra Blanca from any space of the house. The outside territory is created in the same style as the house and is its harmonious continuation. The picturesque plot of 1.975 m2 has a landscaping garden with lawn realized by the best specialists, a modern swimming pool, BBQ, an outdoor parking for 3 cars. Built with high quality materials, villa has facade finished with large porcelain blocks siding with careful attention to details, including unusual architectural features and quality equipment and technology, electric heating in whole house, an elegant lighting solution, electric shutters, innovative solutions from Schuco's Windows systems and much more make these villas truly unique. This development has 7 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms distributed in a constructed area of 1.130 m2, more 320m2 of open and covered terraces. Modern and elegant interiors, natural light, spacious rooms and big terraces are at the core of the development concept. The space of the villa is distributed in 4 levels, the access to which is done through the elevator and a marble staircase. in the basement level there are 2 guest bedrooms with a shared bathroom, SPA area that includes sauna, Turkish bath and gym, and also there is a bar and cinema room, lounge area with indoor pool, garage for 4 cars, a wine cellar, an additional bathroom, laundry and a warehouse. On the ground floor we can find the main entrance with lakes and tropical gardens that invites us to the main hall, that provides to the living room with fireplace that with open windows is converting into a unique space to the outside to the terrace with large lounge area with pool, then we can find a dining room and fully equipped kitchen with Gaggenau appliances, an additional kitchen area for domestic servants, on the same floor there are 2 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. On the second floor there are 3 bedrooms with dressing rooms, terraces and bathrooms en-suite. The master bedroom includes a large dressing room with fitted wardrobes, private terrace with solarium and chill-out area, own luxury bathrooms, which offer a fascinating design with a novelty of interior decoration. Going up to the solarium, we find a magnificent view of the sea that can be enjoyed from the terrace with jacuzzi and swimming pool area. The development offers the opportunity to feel away from the daily life, in the same time they are easily accessible to the main road and very close to everything, including the historic center of Marbella and the glamour of Puerto Banus. in a few minutes, there are white sand beaches of Golden Mile of Marbella, golf courses, tennis courts, supermarkets, Michelin star restaurants and beach bars by the sea, as well as hospitals, international schools (Spanish, English and German), fashionable beach clubs, luxury hotels. This development is located in Golden Mile of Marbella, the secret place but close to everything!


Mountain Pueblo

Close To Shops

Close To Sea

Close To Schools








Climate Control

Central Heating






Covered Terrace


Private Terrace




Guest Apartment

Storage Room

Ensuite Bathroom





Fully Fitted






New Development

Community Fee: €0 / monthly

Waste Disposal Fee: €0 / annually

Tax over Real Estate (iBi): €0 / annually

EUR 6.600.000

207832767 m2

Marbella, New Development In, 32767 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

New Development: Prices from €6,600,000 to €6,600,000. [Bedrooms: 7] [Bathrooms: 8] [Built size: 2911m2]. BUiLDiNG LiCENCE iN PLACE ! This project is a unique luxury south facing villas, which has an unbeatable location on the mountain peak of the most prestigious area of the Golden Mile,gated community in Marbella. The development are projected by modern architecture bureau Villarroel Torrico with the idea to enjoy the views of the Mediterranean Sea and Sierra Blanca from any space of the house. The outside territory is created in the same style as the house and is its harmonious continuation. The picturesque plot of 1.850 m2 has a landscaping garden with lawn realized by the best specialists, a modern swimming pool, BBQ, an outdoor parking for 3 cars. Built with high quality materials, villa has facade finished with large porcelain blocks siding with careful attention to details, including unusual architectural features and quality equipment and technology, marble and oak flooring (in the bedrooms) electric heating in whole house, an elegant lighting solution, electric shutters, innovative solutions from Schuco's Windows systems and much more make these villas truly unique. This development has 7 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms distributed in a constructed area of 1.061 m2, more 390 m2 of open and covered terraces. Modern and elegant interiors, natural light, spacious rooms and big terraces are at the core of the development concept. The space of the villa is distributed in 4 levels, the access to which is done through the elevator and a marble staircase. in the basement level there are 2 guest bedrooms with a shared bathroom, SPA area that includes sauna, Turkish bath and gym, and also there is a bar and cinema room, lounge area with indoor pool, garage for 4 cars, a wine cellar, an additional bathroom, laundry and a warehouse. On the ground floor we can find the main entrance with lakes and tropical gardens that invites us to the main hall, that provides to the living room with fireplace that with open windows is converting into a unique space to the outside to the terrace with large lounge area with pool, then we can find a dining room and fully equipped kitchen with Gaggenau appliances, an additional kitchen area for domestic servants, on the same floor there are 2 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. On the second floor there are 3 bedrooms with dressing rooms, terraces and bathrooms en-suite. The master bedroom includes a large dressing room with fitted wardrobes, private terrace with solarium and chill-out area, own luxury bathrooms, which offer a fascinating design with a novelty of interior decoration. Going up to the solarium, we find a magnificent view of the sea that can be enjoyed from the terrace with jacuzzi and swimming pool area. The development offers the opportunity to feel away from the daily life, in the same time they are easily accessible to the main road and very close to everything, including the historic center of Marbella and the glamour of Puerto Banus. in a few minutes, there are white sand beaches of Golden Mile of Marbella, golf courses, tennis courts, supermarkets, Michelin star restaurants and beach bars by the sea, as well as hospitals, international schools (Spanish, English and German), fashionable beach clubs, luxury hotels. This development is located in Golden Mile of Marbella, the secret place but close to everything!


Mountain Pueblo

Close To Golf

Close To Shops

Close To Sea

Close To Schools








Climate Control

Central Heating






Covered Terrace


Private Terrace




Guest Apartment

Ensuite Bathroom







Fully Fitted




Gated Complex






Off Plan


New Development

Community Fee: €0 / monthly

Waste Disposal Fee: €0 / annually

Tax over Real Estate (iBi): €0 / annually

EUR 3.300.000

30732767 m2

Nueva Andalucia, Detached Villa In, 32767 mt2, 7 habitaciones

29 Jun 2024

Beautifully presented contemporary villa with incredible views of La Concha mountain, located in a closed community close to all amenities and surrounded by the best golf courses Marbella has to offer. The villa is built on 3 floors with the entrance level featuring an elegant open plan formal living room with high ceilings which is adjacent to a comfortable sitting room with a fireplace to the right and a dining room to the left, both with access to the covered terrace. The terrace has two separate entertainment areas one for relaxing and another dedicated to al fresco dining and barbecuing. Down a couple of steps is the mature yet manageable garden with a heated pool and a tropical glass sauna. The dining room has access to the enclosed and fully fitted kitchen with a breakfast bar and views to the famous Concha mountain. in the right hand wing you will find three large en-suite bedrooms and a guest toilet. The top floor features a large Master Suite with a dedicated yoga/fitness room, a sizable en suite bathroom with a Jacuzzi, a walk in wardrobe and a private balcony offering views of the Concha mountain. On the fully finished basement level you will find a traditional wine cellar, a state of the art cinema room, an impeccably decorated games room with a pool table, a laundry room, two en-suite guest bedrooms, a machine room and a finished garage for 3 - 4 cars. This magnificent villa offers an elevator through all three floors, separate hydraulic under floor heating in each room, individual AC/heating, a security system with cameras, a security guard from 09 pm to 07 am, Marfil marble flooring throughout, Traventiro marble in the Master bathroom and high end appliances in the kitchen. The price of this property includes the furniture. This villa is an absolute gem finished to the highest specifications delivering exquisite design and located in one of Marbella's most desirable areas, just 5 minutes from Puerto Banus and surrounded by some of the most prestigious golf courses in Europe, this property is an absolute must see!



Close To Golf

Close To Port

Close To Shops

Close To Sea

Close To Town

Close To Schools

Close To Marina






Climate Control

Pre installed A/C

Hot A/C








Covered Terrace



Utility Room

Ensuite Bathroom

Marble Flooring


Double Glazing

Fiber Optic


Fully Furnished


Fully Fitted




Easy Maintenance


Gated Complex

Entry Phone

Alarm System







Community Fee: €0 / monthly

Waste Disposal Fee: €0 / annually

Tax over Real Estate (iBi): €0 / annually

EUR 2.000.000

147732767 m2

Nueva Andalucia, Detached Villa In, 32767 mt2, 7 habitaciones

29 Jun 2024

Fantastic Villa located in Nueva Andalucia, Marbella, with beautiful panoramic views over the sea and La Concha mountain.The property is surrounded by the best golf courses, within walking distance of all services and a short drive from the famous Puerto Banus. This villa consists of: 7 bedrooms with 7 bathrooms in suites, distributed over 3 floors, large and spacious living room and access to the large terrace , pool and a large beautiful garden.


Close To Golf

Close To Port

Close To Shops

Close To Sea

Close To Schools


South East


Recently Renovated



Room For Pool

Climate Control

Air Conditioning

Pre installed A/C

Hot A/C

Cold A/C







Covered Terrace

Near Transport

Private Terrace

Guest Apartment

Storage Room

Ensuite Bathroom

Marble Flooring

Double Glazing





Easy Maintenance


Entry Phone






Holiday Homes


Community Fee: €0 / monthly

Waste Disposal Fee: €0 / annually

Tax over Real Estate (iBi): €0 / annually

EUR 4.900.000

267532767 m2

Benahavis, Detached Villa In, 32767 mt2, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Villa Monte Mayor: Move-in ready 7 bedroom property with sea views for €4,900,000 This unique villa is part of the gated community Monte Mayor in Benahavis. Surrounded by nature, here you can enjoy tranquility and breathtaking views, while being only 15 minutes from the beach. On the first floor you will find a high-end kitchen that flows into the spacious dining area and living room. These spaces also flow seamlessly to the open terraces and heated pool. From the outdoor sitting area with fire pit, you can enjoy the Mediterranean climate and beautiful mountain and sea views all year round. in addition, on the first floor there are 2 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. 1 floor up we find the master bedroom which enjoys lots of natural light thanks to the large floor-to-ceiling windows. Also the two guest rooms on this floor overlook the beautiful nature with their southern exposure. Moreover, thanks to the spacious basement with garage, there is the possibility of adding additional facilities. For instance, the additional rooms can serve as gym, home cinema, additional guest rooms, and so on.


Close To Golf



South West






Climate Control

Air Conditioning

Hot A/C







Covered Terrace

Private Terrace


Storage Room

Ensuite Bathroom

Double Glazing





Fully Fitted







Drinkable Water



Photovoltaic solar panels



Holiday Homes


Community Fee: €0 / monthly

Waste Disposal Fee: €0 / annually

Tax over Real Estate (iBi): €0 / annually

EUR 2.500.000


Alayor, Alaior, 7 Bedrooms, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Authentic menorcan estate, located in an area of great beauty and high ecological value. It is a magical place where one can still enjoy nature at its purest. Its fertile and highly protected soil offers arable meadows and oak forests. The residence, a clear example of Menorcan rural architecture, houses on the ground floor the "casa del payes" (settler home), basic and in need of refurbishment, while on the first floor there is the "casa des Senyor" (owner's house) which is elegant and south facing, It has spacious and well-kept rooms. The farmer's area and the adjoining buildings such as the dairy area, warehouses, staff rooms, Other agricultural-livestock buildings make up the rest of the constructions.

EUR 2.500.000


Alayor, Alaior, 7 Bedrooms, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Authentic menorcan estate, located in an area of great beauty and high ecological value. It is a magical place where one can still enjoy nature at its purest. Its fertile and highly protected soil offers arable meadows and oak forests. The residence, a clear example of Menorcan rural architecture, houses on the ground floor the "casa del payes" (settler home), basic and in need of refurbishment, while on the first floor there is the "casa des Senyor" (owner's house) which is elegant and south facing, It has spacious and well-kept rooms. The farmer's area and the adjoining buildings such as the dairy area, warehouses, staff rooms, Other agricultural-livestock buildings make up the rest of the constructions.

EUR 1.950.000


Mercadal, 7 Bedrooms, 7 habitaciones


29 Jun 2024

Amazing investment opportunity! Rustic estate for sale with a project and license for its rehabilitation into a magnificent home. The location is simply perfect, close to the prestigious Addaya Marina, the exclusive Coves Noves Tennis Club, the idyllic Arenal beach, and the renowned Son Parc golf course. All of them just a few steps away! Imagine having your own oasis in this privileged location. With the approved project and license, everything is ready to start the transformation of this estate into your dream home. The license has been granted for the renovation of the original house and its conversion into a 7-bedroom residence with full bathrooms and numerous agricultural buildings to be distributed according to the family's needs. You will enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the rural surroundings, combined with the convenience of having all these incredible attractions within reach. The estate features ample grounds to create a stunning garden, a spectacular pool, or even your own outdoor recreation area. With the project in hand, you will be able to visualize and customize every detail of your future residence. Imagine the unforgettable moments you will experience on this property. From relaxing on the nearby golden sand beaches to practicing your favorite sport at the world-class tennis club. In addition, you will have access to a sophisticated lifestyle with high-end restaurants, exclusive shops, and top-level leisure activities. Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire a rustic estate with a project and license in an enviable location. It's the perfect time to invest in your future and live the life you've always dreamed of! Contact us today for more information and to schedule a visit. Don't miss the chance to become the owner of this gem in the heart of natural beauty and luxury.

EUR 230.000

9374939 m2929 m2

Casa solariega patrimonio arquitectónico de Cataluña, 939 mt2, 7 habitaciones


28 Jun 2024

Casa "Pairal" construida en el siglo XIX la cual forma parte del patrimonio arquitectónico de Cataluña ( incluida en el inventario) perteneciente a una de las familias más influyentes de la población. La vivienda da a tres calles ( se vende con una segunda casa medianera incluida en el precio). En la fachada se observa el escudo de la familia, jambas y dinteles. Una autentica preciosidad.