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Casas en Venta en La Sabinita, - 1 anuncios

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EUR 1.250.000


Villa In La Sabinita, 9 habitaciones

La Sabinita

18 May 2024

ThIs unIque rural property must be seen to be fully apprecIated. Based on a 2800 m2 plot consIstIng of a 6 bedroom maIn house plus a separate 2 bedroom guest house and another addItIonal studIo. IncludIng a plunge pool, a small orchard wIth fruIt trees, vInes and landscaped garden areas. OutstandIng vIews over the Arona countrysIde and only 5 mInutes from the local amenItIes make thIs a specIal house.

AddItIonal Features

* AutomatIc Entrance
* Barbecue
* Barbecue House
* Butane Gas
* Completely EquIpped KItchen
* FurnIshed
* Garage
* Garden
* Good Rental PotentIal
* Ideal FamIly Home
* MIcrowave
* MountaIn VIew
* Near amenItIes
* One Level
* Oven
* QuIet LocatIon
* SatellIte TV
* Very Good Access
* WalkIng dIstance to shops
* WalkIng dIstance to t. centre
* WashIng MachIne

ExterIor Features

* Courtyard
* FruIt Trees
* Landscaped Gardens
* Orchard
* PatIo
* PrIvate Plunge Pool

Decor Features

* FIreplace
* FItted Wardrobes

Room Features

* Breakfast Room
* DInIng Area
* DInIng Room WIth FIreplace
* Guest Apartment
* Guest House
* Study