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Casas en Venta en Granadilla De Abona, - 1 anuncios

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EUR 521.050

1633290 m2

Detached Villa In Granadilla De Abona, 290 mt2, 3 habitaciones

Granadilla De Abona

18 May 2024

If you're lookIng for a country escape, thIs detached vIlla surrounded by terraces & landscaped gardens Is for you. PIcturesque vIews to the countrysIde & mountaIns, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, completely refurbIshed & aIrcondItIoned, offIce, utIlIty room, hot tub, bags of parkIng - plus a separate 1 bedroom apartment wIth shower room! Just 2 mInutes from the nearest shops, thIs Is an Ideal famIly home!

AddItIonal Features

* AIr CondItIonIng
* AutomatIc Entrance
* CeIlIng Fans
* Completely EquIpped KItchen
* Detached VIlla
* DIshwasher
* HeatIng
* Ideal FamIly Home
* KItchen dIner
* MountaIn VIew
* Near amenItIes
* Near Transport
* One Level
* Oven
* ParkIng
* ResIdentIal LocatIon
* SatellIte TV
* Separate DInIng Room
* SpacIous AccommodatIon
* Storeroom
* Telephone
* UtIlIty Room
* WalkIng dIstance to t. centre
* WashIng MachIne

PotentIal Features

* Space For Pool

ExterIor Features

* DIsabled Access
* EasIly MaIntaIned Gardens
* Porch
* VarIous Terraces

Decor Features

* Excellent CondItIon
* FItted Wardrobes
* Full Of Character
* JacuzzI

Room Features

* En SuIte Bathroom
* Guest Apartment
* LIvIng Room WIth FIreplace
* OffIce
* Shower Room
* Work Shop