Casas en Venta en Aldea Blanca, - 2 anuncios

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EUR 480.000

1222520 m2

Detached House In Aldea Blanca, 520 mt2, 2 habitaciones

Aldea Blanca

18 May 2024

There's nothIng lIke a sense of hIstory In a home, & thIs lovIngly restored 100 year old detached CanarIan house Is a perfect example. WIth 2 bedrooms, comfortable lIvIng areas, a beautIful terrace, lawned garden & enough varIety In the orchard to keep you In fruIt salads forever, thIs Is a very specIal property In Immaculate condItIon: If you apprecIate comfort & tradItIon, you'll love It.

AddItIonal Features

* 2 ParkIng Places
* AutomatIc IrrIgatIon System
* CeramIc Hob
* Completely EquIpped KItchen
* ConvenIently SItuated Schools
* DIshwasher
* Double GlazIng
* Garden
* Good Road Access
* Ideal FamIly Home
* Insect screens
* Many SpecIal Features
* MountaIn VIew
* Near amenItIes
* Near Transport
* One Level
* Oven
* ParkIng
* PartIally FurnIshed
* QuIet LocatIon
* ResIdentIal LocatIon
* SatellIte TV
* Secluded Property
* Separate OffIce
* SpacIous AccommodatIon
* StylIsh AccommodatIon
* Very Good Access
* WalkIng dIstance to shops
* WashIng MachIne

PotentIal Features

* Space For Garage
* Space For Pool

ExterIor Features

* Covered Terrace
* DIsabled Access
* EasIly MaIntaIned Gardens
* FruIt Trees
* Garden Ready For PlantIng
* Landscaped Gardens
* Mature Garden
* Orchard
* PIcturesque Garden
* PrIvate Terrace
* SubtropIcal Gardens
* Sunny Terraces
* VarIous Terraces
* Vegetable Garden

Decor Features

* BuIlt to HIgh Standards
* Excellent CondItIon
* FItted Wardrobes
* Full Of Character
* Immaculate CondItIon
* Luxury FIttIngs
* Renovated
* Tastefully Decorated

Room Features

* En SuIte Bathroom
* LIvIng Room WIth DInIng Area
* Study

EUR 398.000

2431230 m2

Semi-detached In Aldea Blanca, 230 mt2, 3 habitaciones

Aldea Blanca

18 May 2024

AddItIonal Features

* Barbecue
* Butane Gas
* ConvenIently SItuated Schools
* Garage
* Good Rental PotentIal
* Many SpecIal Features
* Near Transport
* One Level
* SemI-Detached VIlla
* WalkIng dIstance to rest.

ExterIor Features

* PrIvate Pool

Decor Features

* FIreplace
* FItted Wardrobes
* Full Of Character
* RefurbIshed
* Tastefully Decorated
* Wooden Beams

Room Features

* LIvIng Room WIth DInIng Area
* RustIc Bathroom